The Economics of European Integration 6e, Paperback
Author: Richard Baldwin
ISBN: 9781526847218
Publisher's Synopsis
Now in its sixth edition, The Economics of European Integration is a timely and insightful text on this everchanging
and controversial topic. This edition guides the students through the facts, theories, history, institutions,
laws, politics and policies of the European Union, and how each of these play their role in European economics.
Covering both the microeconomics and macroeconomics of European integration, this text is written for
second and third-year undergraduates in economics as well as advanced undergraduates and graduate
students in business, international affairs, European studies and political science.
This edition has now been updated to include two new chapters: The Economics of Covid-19 and Brexit: Problems and Prospects. These chapters can be downloaded on our Online Learning Centre and is available as part of the eBook.
Number Of Pages : 520