What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We send our Books Parcels by either UMS/EMS/TCS.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes. We Ship to many Countries.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

You may get your package within 5 working days.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept online payments, Bank Transfer, C.O.D

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

We are Professional, reputable and verified Supplier. We do have our store location and warehouse. Feel free to shop with us.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Let us know through Email or Whatsapp, if you change your mind even after you place an Order. We will do the rest.

How do I place an order?

Once you’ve clicked on a book, add it to your shopping cart by clicking on the Add to Cart button. Once you’ve selected all the books you’d like, click the View Cart button in the same book window or the Cart button at the top right of the page. Verify the books and quantities you’ve selected. If everything is correct, click the Checkout button. Verify your billing and shipping addresses. Click Proceed to Payment. Enter your payment information and click on Proceed to Order Verification. Review your order and click on Place order. You'll receive order confirmation details which include shipping charges. Once the order has been processed, you’ll receive a final confirmation including final shipping charges.

How do I Register?

Just fill out your name and email address on the account registration form to get started. When you place your first order you can fill in your address for billing/shipping and we’ll update your profile with your info.