The Climate Crisis: A Path Forward

Author: Andrew Pearson Psy.D.

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ISBN: 9798369713198


It's no secret that we’re all in trouble. Every day you can tune into the news (or step outside your door, for that matter) and see evidence of how natural and human-made environments are being devastated by global warming.

How do we fix this? How do we position ourselves so that we can reliably live in harmony with the planet and each other?

First, we need to understand that addressing the 
effects of Climate Change is not enough. Focusing from the outside-in on these problems - ignoring their core – is not working. The core lies at the center of who we are as human beings. The solutions to these problems must also come from the center.

This book begins with an exploration of the nature of Wholeness – defined as what we experience when we are in adaptive and sustainable contact with the planet, with each other, and with our own inner experiences. The book then moves into how we are not Whole and how our lack of Wholeness can be linked to the creation and intensification of Climate Change. The book finishes with a proposal for changes that foster personal and communal healing so that we can move toward harmony with the planet and each other – toward wholeness.

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