The Translation of Noble Quran In English Languange. Terjemahan Kitab Suci Alquran Dalam Bahasa Inggris. "The Noble Quran: literally, 'that which is often recited.' A web of rhythm and meaning, the words of which throb through Muslim worship and which, at every point in the believer's life, break surface, sanctifying existence with the scent of eternity." [Abdul Wadod Shalabi in "Islam - Religion of Life"] The Noble Quran represents the fountainhead of Divine guidance for every Muslim. Its revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his practical implementation of the revelation, completed God's blessing for humanity, in providing us with a belief and value system that is valid for all times. The Noble Quran confirms the revelations given to earlier Prophets, though these might not be accessible to us, in the form they were originally revealed. The most sublime language and a rational message that directly appeals to the human heart have caused this Divine book to move nations and civilizations. It will continue to guide those who turn to God with a sincere heart, for all times. Al-Quran atau Quran (bahasa Arab: القرآن al-Qur'ān) ialah kitab suci bagi umat Islam. Menurut ajaran Islam, al-Quran ialah wahyu yang Allah turunkan kepada Muhammad melalui perantaraan Malaikat Jibril yang sampai ke zaman sekarang secara mutawatir. Perihal diturunkan Al-Quran mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan Lailatul Qadar. Al-Quran diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad secara beransur-ansur dalam tempoh 23 tahun. Manakala dari segi istilah pula, al-Quran ialah kalam Allah yang bermukjizat diturunkan kepada Muhammad melalui perantaraan Malaikat Jibril dalam bahasa Arab, diriwayatkan secara mutawatir dan membaca setiap hurufnya adalah ibadah, bermula dari Surah Al-Fatihah dan berakhir dengan Surah An-Naas.